Posted by: corbypatriot | May 20, 2010

BNP Hypocrisy: ‘Cry Baby Crier’

Who are the imposters pretending to be ‘Corby Patriots’?

Simple question – even simpler answer.

Following the BNP ”don’t tell them, Pike” handbook (apologies to Dads Army on that one) these odious individuals are still ashamed to be called BNP.

(before Miz. Sellars wastes more police time  – the info following appeared on HER OWN blog – don’t get your knickers in a twist dear, YOU told us and the rest is in the public domain!)

1. Their sad blog: Search on their ‘patriot’ website name leads you to the same address on Shire Lodge that was the previous ‘CorbyBNP’ website.

2. Look at the blog address and it tells you the web space is ‘owned’, via NTLworld, by one Roy Davies, Bulls**t National Party candidate.

3. Who writes the comments. before the last update they were signed by Roy Davies, Gordon Riddell and  Miz. Dee Sellars (partner/otherwise of Roy Davies). A BNP member and activist pictured BY HERSELF on the previous website.

4. Cry Baby Crier: Who is the ‘Corby Crier’? Well. looks like Miz Dee let the cat out the bag  before she was ‘ordered’ to take the page down. She told us that the ‘Corby BNP Cry Baby Crier’ is none other than Gordon Riddell. BNP election agent. Now she tells us:

crybabycry -lie 

These imposters, so ashamed at being the Bullshit National Party, now pretend to be anything else. Independant? (sic) (oh dear, spell checker not working again?)

Corby people REJECTED them once. rejected them twice and await the opportunity to reject them at every election in the future.

Perhaps Miz. Sellers, Mr Davies and Mr Riddell should look at the following website

The Bullshit National Party fooled them once (well, more than once).

The BNP tell us how to solve our economic ills. Fined two years in a row for their accounts. Members ‘conned’ into paying over £400,000 for a ‘Lie Lorry’ costing around £20,000, paying £1000 for a £350 laptop, the BNP ‘owned’ by  Mr Gri££ins new best friend (sunning himself in Spain – oh, an immigrant), the list is endless.

BNP members and interested parties wondering where all their money goes? click HERE the TRUE story from an Elite Bullshit National Party Member


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